Videogame Mods


caco1 Doom Mods caco2

I like FPS games from the year of the fart lol.

This can look like a Doom mod showcase, in reality this is a documentary about how Doom ruined my mental sanity. If you want to ruin your own: download freedoom.


Invaded by human marines, allied with the empire of the Union Aerospace Corporation.

You're an imp. Those of the UAC captured you to make demon-control experiments. Now you have to escape from the UAC and return to your home, Hell!

IMPSCAPE is a 7 maps modification for Doom II, for GZDoom. Fight against the UAC forces throught bases, prisons, factories and computers, and burn them with your fireballs!

BE SURE OF READING THE MANUAL (Read This! section) BEFORE PLAYING. It has important information.


  • Play as an Imp, a brown bastard from hell, who heaves fireballs down the UAC marines throat (and takes several bullets to die).
  • 7 long maps full of marines and UAC forces!
  • 2 difficult bossfights!
  • 2 types of imp transformations (dark imp and rocket imp).
  • You can grab barrels and throw them to enemies!
  • You can free ally monsters to fight against the UAC forces!
  • Available on English and Spanish.

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Go to its doomworld thread


Rocketed is a three map singleplayer wad for limit removing sourceports, where the player's main weapon is the Rocket Launcher! Blow the demons up, and beware of rocketing at your own face!

These maps were made for a 12 map collab by AtticTelephone, CBM and me, formerly named Rocketman. Sadly it was cancelled. I wanted to share my maps for this project anyways, i hope you enjoy them.


  • Game mode: Single player.
  • IWAD: DOOM2.wad
  • Recomended engine: Limit removing (crispy doom, boom, etc)
  • Maps: 3 (MAP01, MAP02, MAP03).
  • Difficulty settings: Implemented
  • You cannot jump or crouch.

This mod is licensed under the CC-BY-SA license. You can modify it and distribute modified copies, only if you give me credit and give it the same license.

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Dimensional Weirdness

You just infiltrated an enemy base to find out where so many demons came from, and you discover a portal. You decided to enter the portal and it took you to a surprising place: Another dimension, where demons are produced to fight allies with enemies. Can you defeat the one who controls the dimension and then destroy the dimension?

This wad is a non-terry version of SIGTAGNY.wad, which originally had terry traps, screamers and shit. I grabbed it and made my own version of SIGTAGNY.wad, which is this pk3.


  • Game mode: Single player.
  • IWAD: DOOM2.wad
  • Recomended engine: GZDoom 4.3.3
  • Maps: 3 (MAP01, MAP02, MAP03), a TITLEMAP and a CREDITS map.
  • Difficulty settings: Not implemented.
  • You cannot jump or crouch, they are blocked by mapinfo.

This mod is licensed under the CC-BY-SA license. You can modify it and distribute modified copies, only if you give me credit and give it the same license.

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This pk3 is on github! | View this wad on /idgames | Go to its doomworld thread


A new demon base was installed on earth, and you must steal the invasion data to counter the attacks, however you realize the FURDEMON's true plan, quite strange: to turn all the inhabitants of the planet into a kind of "furries" to attack other planets. You must destroy FURDEMON as soon as possible!

This is my first single player wad, I hope you enjoy it!

Recommendations: You should be able to jump and duck You should be able to freelook, since it's easier to fly You should play it with hardware renderer (OpenGL, Vulkan, etc), since it has dynamic lights, brightmaps, sprite rotations, etc.


  • Game mode: Single player.
  • IWAD: DOOM2.wad
  • Recomended engine: GZDoom 4.3.3
  • Maps: 5 (MAP01 - MAP05), and a TITLEMAP
  • Difficulty settings: Implemented.
  • You have to fly with a jetpack

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Note: I'm not a furry, i made this wad as a joke. Thank you.



UAC Arena is a wave survival game based on DooM 2. Basically the Arena is a room with 4 doors and every time more and more enemies are spawned and more quality. There is also a teleporter in the middle of the map where resources such as medikits or mega spheres are spawned.

Strong enemies are generated from the following rounds:

  • Revenant - Round 5
  • Mancubus - Round 10
  • Pain Elemental - Round 15
  • Cyberdemon - Round 20
  • Spider MasterMind - Round 30

Obviously, at higher rounds, it becomes NUTS.WAD xD.

Additional credits:
The sky of fire of the PSX version: Scalliano / Fenderc01

If you want you can look, modify and publish modified copies of the wad, with the condition of putting me in the credits.


  • Game mode: Single player.
  • IWAD: DOOM2.wad
  • Recomended engine: GZDoom 4.3.3
  • Maps: 2 (MAP01 and MAP02), and a TITLEMAP
  • Difficulty settings: Not implemented.

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Random maps

There are various random doom maps that i made.

These are:

You can make what you want with these

Download from Google Drive

ANCENTER on /idgames

caco1 Doom Community Projects caco2


This is a Community Project started by Johnny Cruelty/Grungo and continued by DoomGappy.

Its a boom compatible megawad that mixes the original Doom and Doom II levels. Each map also has its own remixed song based on the original MIDIs of each map.
I collaborated to this project with 4 MIDI songs (2 main and 2 B-Sides)

THE WAD IS STILL IN DEVELOPMENT. You can download the first episode from the button below.

Download the first episode

Doomworld Development Thread

1 Sector Community Project

This is a Community Project managed by iddq tea.

Its a boom compatible megawad thats made by maps with only 1 sector, that means only 1 floor and 1 ceiling.

I made MAP17, a map that is a giant scrolling sector.

This is my last doom map. Unfortunately my Doom phase ended long ago, so im not going to doom until a looooong time.

THE WAD IS STILL IN DEVELOPMENT. No download available right now.

(dont) Download

Doomworld Development Thread


This is a collaborative boom-compatible 34 maps megawad where I participated, originally started by AtticTelephone

That was called a "Social Experiment", where anybody can edit that wad and release the version, and after that another person can edit.
The wad was an exit, but was released with bugs, so i make a bugfix thread for the people that wants to polish more the wad.


  • Game mode: Single player/Coop/Deathmatch
  • IWAD: DOOM2.wad
  • Recomended engine: Boom/MBF to up.
  • Maps: 35
  • Difficulty settings: Implemented on some of the levels.

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Original version development thread

Original version release thread

Bugfix version development thread

Bugfix version release thread